Welcome Max Red Bartlett!

The month of August is certainly rich! Today we begin harvesting yet another variety: the Max Red Bartlett, the fruits of which have ripened to just the right point.

The Max Red Bartlett is a variety that derives from the more commonly found Williams, which we harvested at the beginning of the month. But the Max Red Bartlett is different for its red colouring that covers most of the skin. This is why the Max Red Bartlett is often called the Red Williams.

The pulp instead is very different, white and very fragrant.

This is another reason why this variety is often used in the kitchen: its sweet and sugary pulp is perfect for contrasting the savoury flavours of cold meats, like speck, but at the same time can add freshness and flavour to a simple summer salad, with the addition of a few crunchy walnuts. All in all, a pear to be tried in every way possible!

You can find the Opera Max Red Bartlett pears by consulting our Stores section on operalapera.it.

Discover more about this variety of pear.