opere william


Origins and History

Williams’s are an ancient pear variety of English origin, chosen and brought to Italy at the end of ‘700s and mainly widespread in the plains of the Po.

Fruit’s shape and size

From a botanical point of view Williams are considered “elongated” and has a “bell” like shape, with a ratio size of < 1.5 between its axis. Medium sized, typically with a maximum diameter between 60 mm and 80 mm.

Characteristics of ripeness of the skin, the flavour and texture

The skin colour varies from greenish to yellowish hues depending on the advanced state of ripeness – with extended variant rusty flushed areas. Occasionally the fruits may have a reddish-pinkish skin if they’ve had direct exposure to sunlight. The greenest fruits are crisp and very juicy, but as the fruit matures and its skin turn progressively yellower, the fine white pulp becomes juicier, sweet and aromatic in flavour – it increasingly becomes softer and tends to melt in your mouth.

Distinguishing features

The perfect sugary pear for syrups. Fresh and incredibly juicy, Williams is perfect for fresh consumption, its flesh is firm and compact, making it particularly suitable for processing into canned fruit, juices, brandy, fruit salads, pastries and jams.


During the 2nd week of August.


From the 2nd week of August till end of January.